Sunday, September 1, 2013

Project Runway - WHAT?! + NOT Glamping

First off, my apologies for the delay in this post.  I just couldn't get it off the ground before heading to work on Friday and then I was out camping with the hubs and some friends for the weekend.

Gosh, I can't believe we're down to the Top 10 now!

OK, keyword for this episode is WHAT?!

First of all, this week's episode was based on another one of girls' best friends, SHOES!!! Say what?!  WOOT!  I was majorly pumped! (pun intended)

It was so fun to see what shoes each designer picked, and how they styled them.  I think I would have died if I had been in that room of shoes!

I was shocked this week by who won, and who wasn't even recognized!  I think the judges got some things WAY wrong this week.

I try really hard to avoid spoilers so this week's post is quite a challenge.  I ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE with the winner of this week, in fact I found the design incredibly boring.  But what do I know?

I was NOT impressed with Dom's look this week and found it more on the juvenile side...again.

I'm so glad Justin did just fine this week, but man I LOVED his outfit, and totally thought he deserved more attention for it.  I think I'm just going to give him a shout out here!  WAY TO GO JUSTIN! I mean LOOK at the way those shoes POP!!!

Now Kate, THOSE SHOES!!!  They were a perfectly bold choice!  Loved her outfit although I thought the pants kind of looked weird when the model walked the way they pulled under the crotch.

On a different note camping this weekend was an experience.  I was pretty pumped to be going, and I knew my husband was uber excited to go on an outdoor adventure.  We went up to Cherry Springs State Park in PA with some friends.  It has a reputation for being one of the best places on the east coast for star-gazing.  Well...let's start with what turned into a 7.5 hour drive (crawl for the most part in traffic) in a topless jeep with NO AC the sun beating down on us and the heat from the engine blowing on our feet = recipe for MISERABLE!  We got to camp around 10:30 and set up in the dark, ate a few s'mores, stared at stars for a bit then went to sleep.  The next day was spent napping and eating mostly because it rained all day long....and all night.  Up early and back on the road this morning...this drive wasn't as bad, but boy was I glad to return to AC and to get a shower.  This was NOT Glamping ladies and gents.  I repeat, NOT GLAMPING!

Oh more day of freedom left and then I get a class full of sweet youngsters.

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