Friday, August 23, 2013

PR and First Dates!

Lot's to talk about today and I'm too excited about them to split it up over different posts, so bear with me.

Let's start with the usual Project Runway recap and analysis.  Last night I had to catch up on last week's episode plus watch the new episode (last week BSB took precedence over PR....sorry).  I won't waste a whole lot of time talking about last week since I'm sure most of us have moved on, but I will say LOVED Jeremy's outfit, and yup, Sue needed to go.

This week's episode I absolutely LOVED!  First of all, I told my husband that "Glamping," was definitely the type of camping I would do with him anytime.  I asked if we could plan a glamping trip of our own...he was not enthusiastic.  My husband would rather camp Bear Grylls style in complete survival mode, and hopes to one day be on his new "Get Out Alive," show....I said "you have fun with that, I will not be accompanying you for that journey."  Does that make me a horrible wife?

I adored Jeremy's dress this week, and quite frankly Alexandria's outfit was pretty cool, however, I am still NOT a believer in the "poopy pant."  I do think that the judges got it WAY wrong this week in terms of who should go home, and SPOILER ALERT, THANK YOU TIM GUN!!!!!!!  I have LOVED Justin this whole season just because he's so darn sweet and funny, and I actually really LOVED the idea he tried to was a big beautiful risk, that unfortunately went all sorts of wrong once it got to the runway.  This week, I cried, I ACTUALLY CRIED!!!  At Project Runway for gosh sakes! Anyone who knows me knows I cry at most movies and such but crying for Project Runway...I have sunk to a new low. And then Tim Gun saved the day and EVERYONE (ALL the other cast members) commended him for his decision and said it was the right one.  So who should have gone home...?  As much as I had kind of been pulling for him in the beginning, Ken, that dress was WACK and UGLY to boot!  No woman would ever feel feminine or sexy in those colors or with all that stuff on top flattening, and yet still bulking her chest out (if that even makes sense?). Annnd I'm starting to feel like in these last two episodes Ken has become the new I alone in this?  ANYONE?  Drop the drama kiddo and just focus on making clothing.
 Alexandria's Winning Design from last night.
Jeremy's Stunning Love Letter of a Dress
Justin's Neat Glue Gun Lace Design that sort of fell apart in the end.

In other news, I went on a first date last night!

Gotta have my pink elephants!
I made poor Corey get a box down from up high in the garage that had these shoes stored in it.  They were the perfect shoe choice though!  I got tons of compliments on them the minute I showed up which made me feel confident and opened the door for conversation.  Thanks a ton babe, you're the best!

Has anyone ever joined groups on  Well if you know me you know, that since I returned to my new home with my husband, I have been going out of my mind this summer because I have been sitting at home by myself all day while he's been off at work.  We moved here in June, and I don't have any friends in this area, so I've been going a little crazy.  Hence the HUGE need for my Girl-cation last week.  We've been working on finding a church home in the area in hopes of developing a sense of community that way, but up until this past weekend we hadn't been successful with that.  Anyway, a few weeks ago I got on where various groups of people with different interests start groups and host events as a way for people in their communities with the same interests to come together and meet and make new friends.  So I joined a women's social group in my community and last night I attended my first event.  They hosted a happy hour at the local Firebird's restaurant.  I was SO nervous!  I told my husband I felt like I was going on a first date...his response, "You kind of are."  Good news is this gave me a great excuse to dress up!  (Since I've just been by myself at home most of the summer I've been in shorts and t-shirts...hence the lack of fashion posts recently.)  And other great news, I had a really good time!  I won't say that I made any super deep connections, but I had the pleasure of sitting and having a drink with some really neat ladies that I might not have otherwise spoken with.  I got to hear their stories and learn of all their cool travels, and one lady went to the last NY Fashion Week and got to see the Project Runway shows, AND had a picture of Michael Kors from Fashion Week on her phone!  Ummmm HELLO AWESOME!  I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  The drinks were delicious, the price was right, and the company was wonderful.  I only wished I could have had the chance to chat with others who were there, there were about 20 of us who attended, but the tables only seated 4 so we were a little spread out and sort of limited as to who we could comfortably chat with (without screaming across the room lol). I definitely plan on attending more events, and hope to get to know more of these fun ladies!

And FINALLY, surprise #6 I think...
This bench was given to us by my mother two weeks ago.  It was super rusty and all the white paint was chipping off.  Funny story is, Corey and I had actually looked at the same bench a few weeks prior, but it was out of our budget.  Mom had no idea we had even seen the bench before, but when she pulled it out of the van, I was like..."Hey, where'd you get that? We've been looking at one of those!" It was the exact same bench!  Anyway, this past week, Corey sanded out the rust and painted it pretty!  
Now we just need to have a cushion made for it and we're ready to enjoy it! 

Blouse: GAP (Pink elephant pattern not available online)
Necklace: Gift
Jeans: Lucky Brand
Shoes: Target (old) similar/similar/similar
Purse: LOFT (old)
Bracelet 1: GroopDealz (similar)
Bracelet 2: Gift (similar)
Sunglasses: Target
Watch: Citizen Eco (gift)

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