Doesn't he look good in a bow tie? Thanks Southern Proper!
Recap commentary:
Sandro...really? Get out...
Kate, has quickly become my season fav with Dom coming in right beside her. My prediction is those two in the top three. The third spot is still up in the air.
When Kate's outfit came down the runway I was literally shouting, "SEXY!" at my TV. Her design was so amazing and hot, and I loved it and I want every piece of it!
Dom's was quite cute and reminded me of vintage seersucker styles.
Bradon's design was edgy and unique and I loved how he used the bow ties to actually create a garment.
Helen, the judges were spot on in their're VERY lucky.
Ken and Karen also caught my eye. I really liked their designs. However, I can see where they may have felt they had seen Karen's look before, it was VERY J Crew, and the fit of the pants was questionable. I loved Ken's use of the ties, but I don't think it was enough to stand out to the judges. I see a lot of talent in these two though and I hope they get their chance to shine soon! Anyone else?
I'm with you, I think Kate and Dom have it this season and Sandro...glad that drama is over and done with.